Hector Berlanga

Hector Berlanga
I was born and raised in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico and moved to the states in 1999. I’ve been in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex since 2006 for bible/ministry school. I am currently a member and home group leader at The Village Church in Dallas.

I am very passionate about hearts being transformed through Jesus. My journey has been one of many experiences, both bad and good. My past has been a great motivation for my future, and I’ve come to know that life without Jesus Christ is no life at all. Purpose and significance is what this world promises, yet purpose and significance is what this world fails to give.

My initial pursuit was in the field of worship music. As I continued to grow, my heart and mind started to change as the Lord began to shape different abilities and different desires in me. I was given a passion to teach, not as an end to itself, but to bring transformation.

Through various supernatural connections, the Lord purposed to let me minister through Mercy Street. What the Lord is doing in this city through this ministry is spectacular. Words can’t be found to describe it. The opportunity to be a part of this mission has been joyful, humbling, and convicting all together. I am always attempting to learn and grow more, ultimately to see Jesus as the most beautiful and most wonderful person.

My aim is to help raise young men to become men that exemplify biblical manhood. Men that humbly respect, protect, give, encourage, love, and submit through the Spirit of God.

On a lighter note, you may find me at a “taco” stand eating lunch, or maybe watching a soccer match in a restaurant.

Hector Berlanga