Monday, October 1, 2012

Future Story Event

When you were in high school, what were your greatest hopes and dreams for your future?  Did you want to be a doctor? A lawyer? A missionary? A teacher? Were you paralyzed by indecision or fearful of the unknown? Were you hungry for some people to come alongside you to guide you in the practical steps of what it would look like to leap from your awkward high school days into a thriving career?

On Tuesday October 30 at 6:30pm, all of these questions will be echoed throughout the halls of Mercy Street. Our hope is to create a fun environment for our students to share their dreams and connect with people whose shoes they hope to walk in one day. We will have presenters from a variety of fields there to share with our students: teachers, cosmetologists, coaches, lawyers, police officers, doctors, and a host of other professionals. We'd be honored if you would join us for this exciting night!  More than that, we would love for you to consider leading a workshop to inform students on choices they can begin making to follow in your footsteps to a fulfilling career.

If you plan to attend with your mentee or you're interested in sharing with our students, please email Julie. We're excited to see our students come to life as their dreams begin to shape into a realistic path.