Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where the Gospel Meets Real Life

We've been so impressed with the maturity we're seeing in a number of our high school students over the past year! It's crazy to watch some of these kids who have been a part of Mercy Street since they were in the 4th grade, growing into adults who are making responsible choices that will effect their entire lives.

For instance, one of our precious students just received her driver's license the day before her 18th birthday. She is the first person in her entire family to take on the responsibility of getting her license. She took the bus to Desoto for her driver's ed course for several months, begged people to evaluate her progress on a regular basis, went through the long and arduous process of working with the DPS for several weeks, and finally passed her driving test this past week. She cried as she left the DPS because she was so proud of herself for taking the difficult steps in order to become a responsible adult!

It was such a blessing to watch her mentor leading her through the process, just like so many other mentors are walking their students through the steps of applying for colleges or going into the military. They are beautiful images of the holistic ministry we're seeking to do here in West Dallas. It's extremely valuable to teach our kids the Word and to encourage them to follow Jesus first and foremost. But we're also hoping to walk alongside them in all the practical ways that will help our kids flourish into responsible adults. The Gospel of Jesus encompasses the spiritual and the physical, and we seek to embody the way of Christ in both realms as well.

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