Today was our last work day at WATI! Mamadou informed us when we arrived in Djilas that it would be primarily a day of fellowship and rejoicing. By “primarily a day of fellowship,” he actually meant ALL celebration. The day began with our team (including Dethie, Mamadou and Songo) sitting in a circle sharing stories. We threw the soccer ball to one another and whoever caught it had to share a funny story from the trip or some sort of memorable moment. We could’ve sat in the circle for the whole day cutting up and sharing with one another because the stories are endless!
Christoph and Ms. Jacque |
Later in the day Carlton shared his heart with a group of guys who joined our circle. They’re students in their twenties who have been coming around each day to speak with us in broken English. He shared about his own struggles trying to figure out what it means to be a man. He talked about the insecurities he felt regarding his ability to provide for a woman, to protect his family, and to impart wisdom to those around him. But he said he ultimately found the strength to be a real man when he began following Christ. And he said real manhood comes from identifying with Jesus and submitting to the God who is all powerful and abounding in love. The guys listened intently and I imagine they’ll remember that circle as they continue to wrestle through all the big questions life poses.
T.O, Sharmonique and Seville enjoying the boat ride |
We took a boat ride to a beautiful island at the end of the day and we basked in the vibrant colors blooming on the trees with the neon sun setting slowly in the distance. This week will be forever buried deep in our hearts. Mamadou encouraged us over dinner that our students have also had a tremendous impact on the people around our hotel. He said the concierge was extremely impressed with our students. They are used to guests complaining when the water or electricity go out, but our students never mentioned it. He was also shocked that we came to serve others. The concierge said that every day when we arrived home from work, he thought to himself, “I want to be a part of a group like that.” Mamadou told him we were Christians and that we were compelled by the love of Jesus.
We don’t communicate those stories out of any sense of pride, but just to let you know the Lord’s moving in ways we can hardly believe. I mean we know ourselves! We’re sinners who feel ungrateful so much of the time and devote a tremendous amount of our energy to our own well-being. So we know if those around us are seeing selfless spirits, God must be moving in a powerful way! We are thrilled to be a part of that and are grateful that He’s chosen to work in our team and through our team during this life changing week in Senegal.
Adrienne, Tim, Mamadou and Carmen |
ahhh this is so exciting! I feel very encouraged and cannot wait to see you all when you get back! God is at work! I pray that this will be a changing/turning point in all of your lives and the people you interacted with :)